October 16, 1959. Sri Ramanasramam
SADHU ARUNACHALA (Major A. W. Chadwick, O.B.E.)


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“Tripura Rahasya or the Mystery Beyond the Trinity” an ancient prime text on Advaita in Sanskrit and was highly commended by Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi for study by seekers. There was no English translation of this scripture until the present one was made by Munagala Venkataramiah (Swami Ramanananda Saraswathi) in 1938. This book is not to be picked up, read through and put away. The verses are full of Divine nectar which will quench the thirst of any earnest seeker who repeatedly reflects on their meaning and in right earnest attempts to implement the teachings, or so it has been said :-)
Tripura Rahasya or the Mystery Beyond the Trinityis” an ancient prime text on Advaita
Published by: V.S. Ramanan
ISBN: 81-88018-29-5
Download Tripura Rahasya here (324 pages):